Diseases of the lungs
The lungs suffer from many diseases, all of which are serious and life threatening. Some have no satisfactory cure and some need prolonged treatments. Listed below are the various diseases that affect the lungs:
Pulmonary fibrosis is more of an occupational disease. This is the effect of constant exposure to coal, asbestos or silica particles. In this, the normal lung tissue is replaced with fibrous tissue. The lung loses it elasticity and capacity to breath.
Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary condition in which the secretory cells of lungs and various glands get dehydrated. It is caused by an abnormal transport protein which leads to a decreased chloride ion travel out of cells and consequential sodium ions and water.

Lung cancer is still is the leading cancer deaths in the US in both genders and all most all are smokers. Lung cancer is the uncontrolled division of the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract lining (malignant hyperplasia).
Nervous system failures can cause respiratory disorders. One of the very common causes of sudden death of infants in the age group of 2 weeks to a year is sudden stoppage of respiration in sleep. This is known as ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’. The exact cause is controversial though lack of development of the respiratory center is suspected. While no cure has been found yet, the only thing that can be done is to place at risk babies on monitor which will sound an alarm when the baby stops breathing so that immediate medical aid be given.