Here’s how you can copyright your company name
No matter how renowned your business may be, it needs a unique or distinct name that stands out from its competitors and helps you generate more business. But only having a unique name may not be sufficient. You need to copyright your company name to avoid someone else using the same name, generating leads based on your popularity. A copyright protects original works including businesses.
Copyrighting your company name can safeguard your company name and provides you with legal evidence and public notice of ownership. It is estimated that at least 85% of all our country’s works including companies published between 1923 and 1963 are now in the public domain.

A federally registered copyright can help you protect your company name from being used by someone else for their own purposes, allowing you to sue them in a federal court. So, if you want to know how to copyright my company name, here are simple steps to do the same:
- Go to the official registration website and fill out the copyright name. If your company is located in the country, then you can go to the official website of the United States Copyright Office and check the process. You can also submit your application physically at their office. However, online copyright registration is more convenient and takes up to eight months for the application to be processed as compared with paper forms, which take over a year to process.