Various designs in beddings
As many as there are types of beds, they come with different designs as well. The structure of the frame is what mostly defines the type of design of bed. They come under various category; Platform beds are on the most common type of design that you might come across in a regular household. Platform beds have a well-defined frame with proper wooden slats that provide a good ventilation to the mattresses. The Four sides are completely covered and matted to give it a royal look.
The folding bed is a real space saver as you can fold it to form a seating arrangement.

Panel beds are made of hardboard and a footboard that basically define the head and foot of the bed. The Head board and footboard are connected by a wooden rail that makes a complete frame. Panel beds come in both painted and wood stained finishes. Sleigh beds have a curvy finish, that resembles a sledge, hence the name sleigh beds. They are made of heavy wood and were inspired from the French- American empire period of 19th century. Sleigh beds nowadays come with wood, iron, steel and aluminum that are less curvy
Murphy beds have an innovative design. They are hinged to the wall of the bedroom in such a way that you can tilt it vertically and store it in cabinet or a closet. Murphy beds can be great in terms of saving a lot of space in your room and use the it for other purposes. Trundle beds are another innovative way to save some room space. They have a rolling bed beneath the upper bed so that you can roll out the bed when you want to use it and roll it back in later.